|right22 ~~~Imported from [Wikipedia:Jeremy_Narby Wikipedia] on 2009-02-15~~~ '''Jeremy Narby''' is an anthropologist and writer who grew up in Canada and Switzerland, studied history at the University of Canterbury, and received a doctorate in anthropology from Stanford University. Dr. Narby spent several years living with the Ashaninca in the Peruvian Find:Amazon cataloging indigenous uses of rainforest resources to help combat ecological destruction. He has has written three books, as well as sponsored an expedition to the rainforest for biologists and other scientists to examine indigenous knowledge systems and the utility of Find:Ayahuasca in gaining knowledge. Since 1989, Narby has been working as the Amazonian projects director for the Swiss NGO, Nouvelle Planète. == Books == *The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge ~~(1995) ISBN 0-87477-911-1~~ *Find:Shamans Through Time: 500 Years on the Path to Knowledge ~~(2001) ISBN 1-58542-091-3~~ *Intelligence in Find:Nature ~~(2005) ISBN 1-58542-399-8~~ == Read == *++[Deoxy:narbystew.htm Q&A with Jeremy Narby]++ *[Deoxy:shamansci.htm Shamans and scientists] *[Meme:CosmicSerpent The Cosmic Serpent] ,, ,, :+++"If we do not know how we see a real object in front of us, we understand even less how we perceive something that is not there."+++--[Deoxy:LSDmyth.htm We do not know how our visual system works] ,, ,, #MAGIC Videx q="Jeremy Narby" <html><a href="/find/DNA"><img src="" style="width:100%" border="0"></a></html>