(minor diff, author diff)
Added Changed Deleted

  • Prior major revision
  • Current Revision

    ||[[Hermes Trismegistus]]|| || ||
    ||[[Simon Magus]]|| ||Biblical magician||
    ||[[Apollonius of Tyana]]||c. 1 - 100|| ||
    ||[[Abramelin the Mage]]|| || ||
    ||[[Christian Rosenkreuz]]||1378 - 1484|| ||
    ||[[Basil Valentine]]||1394 - ? ||Alchemist extraordinaire. Discovered antimony||
    ||[[Johannes Trithemius]]||1462 - 1516||''Steganographia''||
    ||[[Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa]]||1486 - 1535|| ||
    ||[[Paracelsus]]||1493 - 1541 ||Physician. Father of toxicology||
    ||[[Dr John Dee]]||1527 - 1609||Court magician to Elizabeth I||
    ||[[Giordano Bruno]]||1548 - 1600||''The Art of Memory''. Burned at the stake||
    ||[[Edward Kelley]]||1555 - 1597||Scryed with Dee||
    ||[[Isaac Newton]]||1643 - 1727||Alchemist and scientist. FRS||
    ||[[Emanuel Swedenborg]]||1688 - 1772|| ||
    ||[[William Blake]]||1757 - 1827||''The Marriage of Heaven and Hell''||
    ||[[Eliphas Levi]]||1810 - 1875||French Magus. Influence on Crowley||
    ||[[Helena Petrovna Blavatsky]]||1831 - 1891||Theosophy -- literally 'knowledge of the divine'||
    ||[[Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers]]||1854 - 1918||Outer head of G.'.D.'.||
    ||[[A.E. Waite]]||1857 - 1942||Rider-Waite tarot. Had Levi's writings translated||
    ||[[Rudolph Steiner]]||1861 - 1925||Anthroposophy -- 'knowledge of man'||
    ||[[W.B. Yeats]]||1865 - 1939||Poet, Nobel prize-winner, and initiate of G.'.D.'.||
    ||[[G.I. Gurdjieff]]||1872 - 1949|| ||
    ||[[Aleister Crowley]]||1875 - 1947||(you know this one)||
    ||[[Frieda Harris]]||1877 - 1962||Painted Thoth tarot||
    ||[[Leila Waddell]]||1880 - 1932 ||LAYLAH, the Scarlet Woman||
    ||[[Austin Osman Spare]]||1886 - 1956 ||Artist. Originator of Sigil Magic||
    ||[[Dion Fortune]]||1890 - 1946|| ||
    ||[[Israel Regardie]]||1907 - 1985||Crowley's secretary. Originator of Middle Pillar meditation||
    ||[[Jack Parsons]]||1914 - 1952||Rocket scientist||
    ||[[Rosaleen Norton]]||1917 - 1979||Australian artist. 'The witch of King's Cross'||
    ||[[Kenneth Grant]]||1924 - || ||
    ||[[Steffi Grant]]|| || ||
    ||[[Robert Anton Wilson]]||1932 - never || ||
    ||[[Malaclypse the Younger]]|| ||Discordia !||
    ||[[Alan Moore]]||1953 - ||Comic writer||
    ||[[Peter Carroll]]||1953 - || ||
    ||[[Phil Hine]]|| || ||
    ||[[Grant Morrison]]||1960 - ||Comic writer||
    == See Also ==
    *[Wiki:Qabalah Qabalah]