To discuss current events go here. For current proposals and ideas go here.


Praxis Ideas
Praxis Events


—Sol— Lets see it in action. Test runs are where...? message me and i shall assist.

to everyone:

We need to have about 3 people searching for volunteers to speak, and a couple more to babysit the IRC room, so when someone comes in they can be talked to about how to participate

I believe that having me as the only person posting about this can be a bad thing, especialy if people associate this project solely with me, which would mean that those who dont 'enjoy' me would be turned off by it.

Unless there is more active participation as far as building it, it wont happen, and i cant do it alone, so now would be the time to help if you have any interest at all in the idea

I think thats a valid concern Albertus, although I am sure I am not the only one who is glad you held the fort ;P

I have set myself the deadline of this weekend to sort this wiki and get my ideas down, its important that everyone who wants to be involved does so as we must move on but I have held back to see what others think. I feel that as long as things are organised and the tools are available then people will volunteer to talk - we are only having to ask at the moment as this idea is still to an extent within us.

The most urgent point is changing the name asap so as not to confuse and checking to see if Merlyn is still interested. I will change the wiki and irc today to reflect the new name - both can be reverted if there is sufficient outcry.

It makes a lot of sense to ensure a few of us are in the irc to explain and redirect so the weekend is a good time to change. ~Glandmaster


Praxis Ideas

50 slot ventrilo server available connect here.
servername: glandmaster hostname: port: 3784

New to ventrilo? Download a free client, follow parts 1 - 4 of the quick setup then click here.

I think the next priority is to test ventrillo and the ventrillo server, and how that will work with IRC. Soon :)

.'. merlyn?

I am in the vent server now if you want to give it a go. Any probs hop into irc. ~Glandmaster

proposed future spaekers hontoo, phil farber ?,

.'. merlyn?


Praxis Events

I've recorded a 'lecture' (moi, lecture ? :) and uploaded it here and here.


It's getting near christmas, so I don't know if an event can happen before christmas. Perhaps I should remove the link to my audio ? The mp3 I've posted was really a rehearsal — I thought I would be speaking live. Albertus thought an mp3 was a good idea, so I've posted it, really to get things moving, and that seems to have worked :) Thoughts ?

.'. merlyn?

Perhaps the first Saturday of January? That is for that page, though, methinks. Perhaps keeping the mp3 up would be a good thing, for motivation? :)

— hontoo

I think jan is a good time to start. It would be handy if you left the link up so we can make a media wiki page, you are our guinea pig ;p

I thought your talk rocked btw but it needs notes as there was a ton of info. I can take notes but it would save time if you have some.

As for the format its up to you. You can do it live but I think it would make sense to also have a file to download / stream. ~Glandmaster

The talk was off the top of my head :) I was looking at Steffi Grant's tree throughout and using that. This is the essential image to go with the talk :

I've started some notes with links and pictures.

.'. merlyn?



Any ideas thus far for a scheduling system? I think maybe the forum... :)


Perhaps for scheduling we can add a wiki page as a simple calender to allow people to add their tenative or concrete choice of time?


You can also make a "Day/" page on this wiki for any future date by altering the URL given by the question mark near "Today?" at the top of this page.

For example

When such a page exists it activates the "Today" link at the top of every wiki page on that day. Meanwhile that tiny "Today" link will be made much more obvious when someone gets around to it.


Perhaps a Praxis Schedule page something like this: Praxis Schedule

We could then just add these entries to that as a central page, while adding details to the actual today page for the date (get people to look at those today pages).

What are everyones thoughts on selecting a time and date? I'll go ahead and offer 2007-01-27 as my tentative date. I suppose the time will be more difficult to decide upon.

Also, perhaps a first come first serve basis for obtaining dates for authors? Glandmaster has suggested picking a regular day of the month for praxis talks - 2nd Saturday of the month - with an exception for the first talk, which perhaps should be the first Saturday of January 2007-01-06? What are everyone else's thoughts on these ideas?


You think saturday ? Is everyone not in the pub ? :) I often have things on on saturday, but I could organise things to have saturday 6th jan free.

Time of day : there are different time-zones involved, reflecting the international nature of deoxy. One suggestion was 11pm GMT, which is ok for me . that's 6pm EST ?

.'. merlyn?

11pm GMT sounds good to me. Shall we wait for some more responses regarding the day and time, before something definite is decided?


11pm gmt sounds ok as for the day we need to balance when this site is busy and when is convienient. The Deoxy stats seems to show the weekend as being the busiest but the question is will peeps want to stay for 45mins or more? I go to things like this locally and they are always during the week, but then they have to compete with the pubs - a point we should consider ;p

Also I think it depends on the content of the event, a more academic talk may fit midweek best but a reading from and discussion about Finnegans Wake would be fine at the weekend so maybe a midweek AND weekend slot as I think it would be good to get into a routine something like the 1st weds and sat of the month?

It also occurs to me that we dont need to stick to the Gregorian calender, maybe something tied to the sabbats? ~Glandmaster

1st wed and a weekend day sounds good to me. From what I can tell on the stats page, sun nights? seem to be more active than saturday nights, for the last week, at least. Also, for the past month, it seems that Sunday has had a longer high traffic time for the site, but not necessarily for the IRC. That could be the pub effect :p You might be right about having academic days and non-academic days. I'd go with it, myself.

I'll let someone more knowledgeable than I decide on a calendar. Gregorian should be within easy reach (click through to see Gregorian?) for those who don't know other calenders. There are lunar calendars, as well.

Perhaps we should throw some questions in poll form out to the deoxy public?

— hontoo

I think a post in the forum about what is happening, with a question about what days are suitable would be a good idea. The midwinter solstice is the 22nd december 2006 — that's out. The next full moon is the 3rd january, that's probably not so good either.

.'. merlyn?

Propsed Schedule : 11pm transmit audio : you can skip this if you've already heard the audio.

11:45 : Question and answer using ventrillo.

around 1am : streaming music from odhinn ?

sort out streaming the audio


