WikiLeaks CableCloud represents words from all released /Cablegate titles as an adjustable tag cloud and frequency list linked to a title search. The list and search results are also available as RSS. DISCONTINUED


WikiLeaks CableCloud consists of about 1200 lines of Perl
using the following CPAN modules:

  1. Apache::Request
  2. CGI
  3. CGI::SSI
  4. Data::Dumper
  5. DB_File
  6. Encode
  7. Fcntl
  8. File::Slurp
  9. GD::Graph
  10. Geo::Dymaxion
  11. Geography::Countries
  12. Geography::Countries::LatLong
  13. HTML::Entities
  14. HTML::TableExtract
  15. HTML::TagCloud::Extended
  16. Imager
  17. IO::Zlib
  18. Lingua::EN::Splitter
  19. Lingua::EN::StopWords
  20. MLDBM
  21. MLDBM::Sync
  22. POSIX
  23. Storable
  24. Text::Query
  25. URI::Escape
  26. XML::RAI
  27. XML::RSS::SimpleGen