In reply to: The chemtrails are blatantly crossthreading

"Air traffic control (ATC) is a service provided by ground-based controllers who direct aircraft on the ground and in the air. A controller's primary task is to separate certain aircraft — to prevent them from coming too close to each other by use of lateral, vertical and longitudinal separation."

In reply to: all over the sky on some days

In 2000 there were 8,951,773 commercial aircraft departures in the United States alone....that's 24,525 per day, 1,021 per hour, 17 per minute.—AirTraffic

In reply to: what the hell they are

The scale of air traffic and the AviationSmog it creates by burning and dumping over 14 billion gallons of fuel each year is truly immense.

In reply to: IS the so-called chemtrail phenomena simply emergent from a sudden rise in airplane traffic circa 2000 A.D., being nothing more than a webwork of constantly arising and fading byproducts of standard airplane propulsion.?.

Yes but it's still not simple or less of a problem than the conspiracy.

In reply to: Were the airliners (not simply the military jets) still spewing the wide, slowly dissipating white vapor threads, highly visible from the ground -- back in the 80s, and early 90s

In 1993 the FAA changed rules that allow pilots to chart a course instead of using standard routes which might have made them more visible.[1] There have been other changes since then such as:

  • Switch from turbojet to more efficient turbofan engines.
  • Bigger planes flying faster and higher.
  • Aviation fuels have changed and, for example, contain less lead.
  • The atmosphere has been changed in part by these very devices.

    In reply to: So, this "chemtrails" conclusion is simply an irrational reaction to seeing an insane leap in the flood of airplane traffic, woven in part by a semi-aware, idealogical projection of personal and collective toxicity laced into the bodily systems of the majority of Earthlings. (yeh.?.)

    It's not completely irrational because something extreme IS being done to the sky when close to a million pounds of metal moving over 500 mph unravels cold, clean, dry, thin air 6 miles up and dumps dense streams of hot, moist, dirty exhaust into rapidly rotating tubes that come off the wingtips as expanding cones of turbulence. In 1960 over a billion gallons of jet fuel were burned by domestic flights in the U.S. alone and that grew close to 15 billion gallons 40 years later. By analogy if one were to drink a tablespoon of gasoline it would not be fatal to the system but 15 tablespoons, nearly 1 full cup, produces serious illness or worse.

    In reply to: (If you have strong evidence to help thwart the obsessive contemplations towards these "evil, deadly webs in the skies" i would be very prepared to assimilate such -- and translate into communications for those with whom i have familiar contact, who are often (nearly) utterly convinced that jet exhaust is directly affecting their health, and who have been continuously producing schematic and pragmatic exhibitions to support their paradigms).

    This is interesting because another hypothesis along these lines involves the polluters themselves generating fake issues about their activities in order to co-opt and discredit any legitimate opposition.

    In reply to: If you have strong evidence

    Atmospheric Effects of Aviation: A Review of NASA's Subsonic Assessment Project (1999) Page 10:

    "Although current jet-engine bench tests indicate that aircraft engine combustion is very efficient under many operating conditions, combustion in any engine is never "complete." Some unburned fuel is found in jet-aircraft exhaust, particularly when a fuel-rich mixture is used in the engine."

    Letter from the ExxonMobil Area Manager, Aviation Operations, South Pacific:


    "Mobil have recently introduced a new grade of gasoline called Lead Replacement Petrol (LRP). Although LRP is marketed explicitly and solely as a ground fuel, we have been advised that a number of Gyrocopters, Ultralight and some fixed wing aircraft are using LRP..."

    "where the fuel is visible and there is significant light contact, a manganese oxide precipitate can be created by the photosensitivity effect on the fuel. If the light contact is significant then the fall out of the precipitate can potentially block the aircraft fuel filters"

    "Manganese oxide comes in the form of green cubic crystals or green powder."
    National Pollutant Inventory (NPI)

    U.S. Air Force Petroleum Fuel Fact Sheet:

    "Most petroleum fuels are mixtures of hundreds of different hydrocarbon compounds. The exact number and proportions of these compounds in a particular fuel may vary; therefore, most fuels are formulated to meet general property limits, rather than a specified chemical composition."

    The most common fuel impurities are discussed below.

  • Gums
  • Metals
  • Microbial contamination
  • Sediment
  • Sulfur compounds
  • Water
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Biocides
  • Conductivity additives
  • Corrosion inhibitors
  • Detergent additives
  • Icing inhibitors
  • Metal deactivators
  • Oxygenates
  • Thermal stability additives

  • fuel quality question:

    "What Avgas has got that 95 octane hasn't, and is photosensitive, is tetra ethyl lead and ethylene dibromide."

    "Ethylene dibromide, a clear liquid, decomposes under the influence of light to form ethylene glycol and free bromide ions which are pretty reactive."

    "Tetra ethyl lead, another clear liquid, decomposes under light to give ethylene(I think) and free lead."

    "Lead atoms plus bromide ions react readily to produce lead bromide which is a white solid at normal temperature. This is the reaction that also happens in your combustion chamber where it does its magic. It then goes down your exhaust to make it white."

    "It seems sunlight is mimicing the conditions in the combustion chamber which activate the lead chemistry to give the precipitate in the fuel."

    A day in the life of an Industrial Chemist – The AVGAS Affair:

    "It was late in November 1999 that something went wrong. Nobody is saying too much because of potential legal problems, but it is rumoured that there was trouble with the pump adding caustic, and extra ethylene diamine was added to take care of the acidity. I do not know if this is true, but certainly extra diamine got into the fuel. Not a lot – of the order of 50ppm and the Avgas met all the required standards."

    "What was happening demanded a knowledge of inorganic chemistry – another focus of your syllabus. The ethylene diamine was forming a complex with brass in the fuel delivery system and both attacking the brass and blocking brass filters."

    "If you leave Avgas in the sun the lead salts will decompose and a white/pale yellow deposit of lead oxide is formed."

    "To be honest we still do not know exactly what the material is, but we believe it is a mix of aluminium oxides and hydroxides. They may be formed through old age and moisture in the tanks. They may be formed because there are some bugs that can live in Avgas and slowly chomp the fuel tank."
