Hello @you@ <big>Nice seeing you round Deoxy!!</big> Update: mim has recently decided to take a change of direction and has established a 5 year plan (thanks sally!) 1)personal trainer certification 2)[http://www.vcc.ca/programs-courses/detail.cfm?div_id=8&prog_id=208 BC Provincial Instructor Diploma] 3)[https://you.ubc.ca/ubc/program.do;jsessionid=51475D39E9598D89789EBAF4DB3423A1?programID=163 Bachelor of Human Kinetics@UBC] Going back to schoolin ma! woo-hoo! (now all I have to do is get the money to pay for it,...any ideas? ;-) <br> <br> <big>I live [http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=vancouver+bc+canada&ll=49.217149,-122.932205&spn=0.319341,0.86792 here]</big> This is my ride http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v376/mimthehood/rustic-1.jpg|right25 The Dog's name is Sam +++what people+++ ~~(probably would)~~ +++say about mim+++ ~~(if they were asked)~~ ++''(mostly true re-edited testimonials)''++ Paul: ''"mim likes Fresca and would be suitable for others who also like Fresca."'' Lou: ''"mim has great taste in music, I should know i gave it to him"'' dimitri: ''"Not a bad guy, only had to ban him twice and once was by accident"'' <nowiki>DeepThought</nowiki>: ''"The answer is 42"'' Organelle: ''"I like mim, I like his 'spin' on things, but occasionally his words get tainted with dross, specially when he's really fucked up, I'll give him a 4 on the interesting scale but a 9 as a sexy beast."'' <nowiki>518/Vader</nowiki> (the dark one) ''"think of mim as a Lesbian trapped in a mans body who doesn't like anal sex"'' Vita: ''"I compressymetrically endorsalophonificate '''mimological''' corporeal graftusionic conglomeratory sustainintial goo."'' Stinky:''"...well mim,...it's like,...he's mim,...and well,...that just about says it all right there,...."'' Ddraig: ''"It's simple there's cats and dogs and cats, well cats are cool and dogs,..well,...er,.. what the fuck am I saying?,...."'' Aliceis: ''" just follow the white rabbit,...down in the hole baby, way down in the hole"'' Keannu: <i>"Say you've got a bus, and there's a bomb, but if the elevator goes above the 50th floor it slows down, such is the gravity of the situation. You realize it's all a dream, we exist at the whim of our lords and masters and absolutely <u>EVERYTHING</u> they've told you was a lie,.. What do you do? +++'''What, dO yOu dO?+++''' </i> <center>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v376/mimthehood/reverse.gif</center> +++Stop-PAUSE-connect-remember-AWAKE+++ The Answer to The Ultimate Question Of Life, the Universe and Everything <center>http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v376/mimthehood/reverse.gif</center> <br> <br> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v376/mimthehood/hotai.jpg <br> <br> '''''+++"sometimes naked, sometimes mad, now's a scholar, now's a fool, thus they appear on Earth as free men" +++''''' <br> <br> <br>