Revision 3raw-print  2008-05-27 22:29ada 
Revision 2raw-print  2008-02-28 05:08Glandmastercomment  
Revision 1raw-print  2008-02-28 03:30ada 

(minor diff, author diff)
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  • Prior major revision
  • Current Revision|left25 Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth exists as a meeting place for those individuals who find themselves, for one or another reason, disaffected with Western culture. T.O.P.Y. advocates a return to thee tribe. Modern high-tech [ shamanism]. A return to a reverence for thee Earth and all entities / Life Spirits inhabiting it. Our totems, to name but a few, are thee Wolf, thee Coyote, thee Spider. We spin new webs, thee network stretches across vast geographical distance to share information, ideas and modern lore. Thee drum, once thee voice ov thee tribe, gives way to thee computer and thee satellite. We look backwards in time, not out ov nostalgia, but to seek out forgotten ways ov DO-ing things, ways to help solve thee dilemma that <no>WoMan-kind</no> has created for <no>HerSelf</no> and Her Kind, Her Home -- OUR PLANET.
    These Issues are complex ones, and thee Temple claims no easy answers. We can offer only one tiny ray ov hope. If we each can live our lives as an example, to show thee rest ov our species how people COULD live, if they only dared to dream, to have and to pursue a Vision, then perhaps others will be inspired to dream again.
    "We cannot change thee World, only <no>OurSelves</no>. Please join us in the struggle!"
    - excerpts from a T.O.P.Y. flier
    :[ T.O.P.Y. Library]
    :[ Thee Sigil Garden]

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