Link Formatting

Learn how to add links and images to our wiki pages.
1. Local Wiki Pages
1.1. WikiWords
1.2. Freelinks
1.3. Local:
1.4. Subpages
1.5. Plurals
2. URLs
2.1. Plain URL link
2.2. Named URL link
2.3. Automatic footnotes
2.4. URLs Using Anchors
2.5. Relative URLs
3. Images
4. InterWiki Links

1. Local Wiki Pages


Typical wiki pages are named by removing the spaces between two or more words and starting each word with a capital letter. Just using such a WikiWord links to the page if it exists, otherwise it will be displayed with a question mark link, like SampleUndefinedPage?. The question mark indicates the page doesn't exist yet and is a link to create it.


Links to pages that are not a WikiWord are done by surrounding the text with two pairs of square brackets like [[Sample Free Link]].


The : prefix is another way to link within the wiki, and may be required for links to subpages of parent pages that are not WikiWords. For example: Local:Help/Macros = Help/Macros


See /Subpages


You can separate a WikiWord from adjacent text with the special "" (two double-quotes) delimiter. The "" delimiter is not displayed—it is useful for plural forms of page links like WikiWords. In nearly all cases trailing punctuation is ignored, so you can safely make links like, without the trailing comma being part of the link. You can also use [[freelink]]s.

2. URLs

Plain URL link

Named URL link

Automatic footnotes

URLs Using Anchors

Relative URLs

To make on-site links you must respecify the protocol e.g.:

3. Images

Images can be embedded by entering the full URL:

Use brackets for a footnote link to the image's URL:

Make an image into a link like this:

Align image left or right (with optional padding, in pixels):

For more control with images use HTML.

4. InterWiki Links

InterWiki links are shortcuts that allow rapid linking to certain pre-defined sites: