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Entheogenic Reformation

nov. verb.— The anachronistic "Archaic Revival" of shamanism and the use of shamanic "plant-teachers" in the contemporary "overdeveloped" world; and the simultaneous appearance in several "underdeveloped" countries of syncretic Neo-Christian religions in which placebo sacrament of the Eucharist is replaced by entheogenic plants traditionally associated with shamanism; such as sacramental use of Péyotl by the Native American Church, similar use of Ayahuasca by Brasilian chruches, and sacramental use of Iboga in the African Bwiti religion.

1994 Ott Ayahuasca Analogues, 9. The resulting "countercultural" movement of the "Psychedelic Sixties" marked an unprecedented departure from business as usual, setting the stage for a modern Entheogenic Reformation, which promises to evoke more radical and far-reaching changes in western religion than did its predecessor. Indeed, Martin Luther's 95 theses of October 1517 packed far less punch than did Gordon Wasson's one thesis 440 years later—for Wasson had peeled away the ossified accretion of many, many layers of symbol and dogma which enshrouded the core mystery in inpenetrable obfuscation; had laid bare before the eyes of an astonished world, in all its dazzling quotidian humility, the holy sacrament itself, a sacrament which "carried its own conviction" and did not limp along encumbered by faith in an absurd Doctrine of Transubstantiation; a sacrament which obviated the necessity of faith itself, allowing every communicant to attest to "the miracle he has experienced."


The Age of Entheogens & The Angel's Dictionary
by Jonathan Ott

URL: http://deoxy.org/define/entheogenic+reformation