Many of the logos for this site have been appropriated over the years as both commercial and free clip art. Sometimes they even cut out our URL or any other trace of a signature by the artist (video example). This situation then flips into the tragic implication that we slapped our URL on someone else's art.

The following images are often used elsewhere but were actually created by dimitri exclusively for

The Original

Derived from a famous painting of King Tut.


Started from a clip art eye.


Initially a photo of King Tut's mask.

bemushröömed Tassili mushroom shaman

Started as a black and white tracing.

bemushröömed mushaman

Collage combining mushroom element from the cover of Psilocybin by Oss & Oeric with Tassili petroglyph.

Chemical Experiences of a Hyperspatial Nature


Original designs inspired by the tryptamines.

The deoxy hieroglyph.

This symbol literally means "".

Omega, the old version

Created on my Amiga before PC or Mac had decent graphics.


Assembled from well-known pictures of Terence McKenna.

On the other hand deoxy contains plenty of unattributed images...

Thanks for listening.